The Spirit in Primary

We are so grateful to have such an astounding Primary!

For three weeks, I have been listening to all our children sing as they practiced the Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation. What an amazing Spirit! Many times, I felt the Spirit testify of the truthfulness of the gospel. I am grateful for the Spirit.

I am grateful the Spirit tells my mind and my heart the things that I should do. Sometimes it seems difficult to make choices that will lead me to Heavenly Father. However, when I take a moment and reflect on the choice, I am directed by the Holy Ghost.

I encourage all of you to practice feeling the Holy Ghost. Ask Heavenly Father to help you feel the Spirit and know that “it is by Him you are led.” Listen to the directions given you by the still, small, Voice. After you have gained a testimony of the Holy Ghost, SHARE IT WITH OTHERS!

-Sister Rice